Bridging research and industry: The Accelerator Science and Technology Industry Permanent Forum

A newly established forum aims to better align the priorities of research institutions and industry, including in the particle accelerator area

Horizon 2020
18 September, 2024
Horizon 2020
18 September, 2024

Students pitch innovative ideas to tackle healthcare issues with particle accelerators in 10-day challenge

From prosthesis pain to severe burns, four student teams have set their minds to solving global healthcare issues in the I.FAST project’s third challenge based initiative

Horizon 2020
16 August, 2024

€1M innovation fund for sustainable accelerators

Laser-plasma technology, additive manufacturing, high-temperature superconductors and other innovations have strong potential to reduce the footprint of particle accelerators.

Horizon 2020
08 May, 2024

I.FAST holds its third annual meeting in Paris

Held in Paris, the penultimate annual meeting of the I.FAST project included lively discussions on cryogenics, additive manufacturing, and sustainability.

Horizon 2020
30 April, 2024

Pushing accelerator frontiers in Bern

The topical workshop “Gigahertz Rate and Rapid Muon Acceleration” showed how advanced accelerator concepts can jump-start dark-sector searches.

In the press
12 April, 2024
In the press
12 April, 2024

Workshop on "Cryogenics in Big Science"

An industrial workshop on “Cryogenics in Big Science”, to be held in Paris on April 16 and 17 2024, is organized in the framework of the European projects I.FAST, AIDAinnova and LEAPS-INNOV. 

20 February, 2024

Beaming our waste? Accelerators to combat biohazards

Meet Rob Edgecock to find out how particle accelerators can be used to preserve the environment.

12 February, 2024

How can particle accelerators help to improve human health? A 10-day challenge for multidisciplinary teams of young people!

Come to take part in an EU-funded challenge to imagine new multidisciplinary solutions to address health issues by using particle accelerators.

05 December, 2023
05 December, 2023

New industry-academia exchange programme “broadens the view of accelerator researchers”

After two months at Cosylab, Luca Garolfi, from CERN, tells us about the I.FAST industry-academia exchange programme.

23 October, 2023

Particle accelerators to accelerate circular fashion

For the second time, the I.FAST yearly student challenge explored environmental and societal applications of accelerator technology.

10 August, 2023

Adriatic stop for the I.FAST project

Held in Trieste, Italy, the second annual meeting of the I.FAST project hosted passionate discussion about the progress in machine learning and in superconducting materials.

Horizon 2020
27 July, 2023
Horizon 2020
27 July, 2023

I.FAST sustainable accelerator development in Nature Physics Review

In her interview with the Nature Physics Review, Denise Völker, Head of Sustainability at DESY, shared her thoughts about the project's sustainable accelerator development.

In the press
30 May, 2023

Learn about accelerators in the Baltics (deadline: 20 June, 2023)

Students have up to June 20 to apply to the Baltic School of High-Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies.

28 April, 2023

Rare earths for permanent magnets: blessing or curse?

Although permanent magnets can significantly reduce the energy consumption of accelerators, their use of rare earths requires best practices, as discussed by experts at the latest I.FAST workshop.

Horizon 2020
13 April, 2023

Simon van der Meer Early Career Award in Novel Accelerators

Sponsored by the European Network for Novel Accelerators, the Simon van der Meer Award recognises outstanding early career contributions (theoretical, experimental, computational or technical) in novel accelerator science

11 April, 2023

I.FAST promotes eight innovation projects in accelerator technologies

With a funding of up to 200 kEUR each, the projects will contribute to improve the sustainability of particle accelerator technologies.

Horizon 2020
02 February, 2023

Announcement of Particle Therapy MasterClass 2023: Dates and registration

Aimed at introducing high-school students to the benefits of particle physics for society and medical applications, the Particle Therapy MasterClass just opened registration for its 2023 edition.

24 January, 2023

How can particle accelerators address environmental issues? A 10-day challenge for multidisciplinary teams of young people!

Students from all background are invited to take part in an EU-funded challenge to imagine new solutions to address environmental issues by using particle accelerators.

15 December, 2022
15 December, 2022

First 3D-printing of crucial component to bring accelerators closer to society

The first additive manufacturing of a critical accelerator component paves the way toward more affordable and versatile particle accelerators.

16 November, 2022

Bringing students and experts together around environmental applications of accelerators

The I.FAST project’s yearly student challenge was held this summer, exploring environmental and societal applications of accelerator technology

24 October, 2022

I.FAST announces Academia-Industry Exchange Programme

The programme offers the opportunity for a Company to send an engineer or technician for one or several visits to one of the I.FAST Laboratories and for a I.FAST Laboratory to send a scientist, engineer or technician to a Company for one or several visits

Job openings
05 July, 2022

I.FAST under the spotlights at IPAC’22

As many as four oral presentations stemming from I.FAST innovative activities were given at this prestigious particle accelerator conference

Horizon 2020
23 June, 2022

I.FAST launches new fund to support innovation in accelerator technologies

The fund aims to stimulate innovation in accelerator technologies by supporting projects with a contribution of up to 200 kEUR

02 June, 2022

The future of accelerators brings laboratories and industry together at CERN

In early May, the first annual meeting of the I.FAST project brought together the main European players in the particle accelerator sector to discuss the latest innovations

Horizon 2020
01 June, 2022

Apply for the Simon van der Meer Early Career Award in Novel Accelerators!

Sponsored by the European Network for Novel Accelerators, the Simon van der Meer Award recognises outstanding early career contributions (theoretical, experimental, computational or technical) in novel accelerator science

25 April, 2022

European projects join forces to investigate the next generation of ion therapy magnets

Two European projects, HITRIplus and I.FAST, have obtained funding to work on different aspects of superconducting magnets for medical accelerators

05 March, 2022

Job Opening - Engineer or Physicist with a dedication for Energy Efficient Accelerators (PETRA IV) - DESY

Engineer or Physicist with a dedication for Energy Efficient Accelerators (PETRA IV)

Job openings
10 January, 2022

How can particle accelerators address environmental issues? A 10-day challenge for multidisciplinary teams of young people!

We invite you to take part in an EUIn summer 2022, the EU-funded I.FAST project will challenge students to find new and innovative societal applications for accelerators.

Job openings
14 December, 2021

Additively manufactured copper components for linear accelerators

World first: Fraunhofer IWS for the very first time prints quadrupole components for linear accelerators

02 November, 2021

José Manuel Pérez elected as the new Chair of the I.FAST Governing Board

By appointing its first Chair as well as the members of its Scientific Advisory Committee and Industrial Advisory Board, the I.FAST project is now in full swing.

Horizon 2020
15 October, 2021

Job Opening - Postdoc position "Smart*Light Project" - Eindhoven University of Technology

Postdoc position (2 yrs.) for the development of an Inverse Compton Scattering X-ray source based on high gradient linear accelerator technology

Job openings
10 September, 2021
Job openings
10 September, 2021

I.FAST project to position additive manufacturing for accelerator technologies

Additive manufacturing is at the heart of industry 4.0. Recognising its potential, the I.FAST project, funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 program, has the objective of promoting it within the advanced accelerator technologies.

27 August, 2021

Unravelling the mysteries of vacuum arcs – 9th MeVArc held successfully

In Spring 2021, the 9th workshop dedicated to vacuum arcs MeVArc took place online – it aims at better understanding how electric discharges occur in vacuum.

04 August, 2021

Announcing I.FAST, an H2020 project aimed at fostering innovation for particle accelerators

I.FAST aims to enhance innovation in the particle accelerator community, mapping out and facilitating the development of breakthrough technologies common to multiple accelerator platforms.

Horizon 2020
28 January, 2021

Five projects coordinated by CERN approved for funding

The I.FAST project tackles challenges faced by future accelerators. With 49 partners, including 17 industrial companies, the project will help to develop breakthrough technologies common to multiple accelerator platforms.

Horizon 2020
23 November, 2020

Adriatic stop for the I.FAST project

Held in Trieste, Italy, the second annual meeting of the I.FAST project hosted passionate discussion about the progress in machine learning and in superconducting materials.

Horizon 2020